How to download a wallpaper
You can download wallpapers free of charge and you don’t need to sign up. First you need to find the wallpaper from the album page. On the left side of the image you’ll see several buttons and icons, you can download the wallpaper by clicking the arrow button:

How to download a wallpaper

How to download a wallpaper
Your download will begin immediately and the image file will be saved in your hard drive. In most cases it will be saved on your Downloads folder, but it may be on a different location, depending on your personal settings.

How to change your wallpaper on Windows 10
So you downloaded a nice wallpaper and now you want to use, right? A new wallpaper can make a computer feel more like home and it’s easy to change it on Windows 10. Here’s how:

Log on to your Windows 10 computer using your desired account and, on the desktop, right-click anywhere. From the contextual menu, click Personalize.

Windows 10 personalization window

Windows 10 personalization window
In the Desktop Background window, click on “Browse…” from the Picture location list of options:

Select image file as background wallpaper

Select image file as background wallpaper
Now you just need to select the image file you downloaded from our site and click on “Save changes”.

How to use a wallpaper on MacOSX
In Desktop & Screen Saver preferences, you can change the picture that’s displayed on your desktop. Here is how:

Mac OS system preferences

Mac OS system preferences
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Desktop & Screen Saver, then click Desktop. Now, to find the picture you want to use, click “+”, navigate to and select the folder, then click Choose.

Add the folder with your images

Add the folder with your images
All your pictures in the folder will load on the right side. Click the picture you want to use as wallpaper and you are done.